
Navigating the world of sources can be tricky for writers at all stages of their career.  Beyond Plagiarism is made up a series of lessons that focus on strategies for finding, citing, analyzing, and quoting source material responsibly.

The website has four instructional sections:

Finding Sources shows how using sources well begins with locating strong material and discusses the act of citation. It offers some strategies to help you to start to think about your source material in complex ways even as you are still in the research phase.

Understanding Sources focuses on the kinds of strategies scholars use to understand complex textual, visual, and statistical information.

Using Sources demonstrates strategies for using textual, visual, and statistical information in your papers. It explores how to construct new ideas through engaging with the works of others.

Academic Integrity in Action considers the consequences of the misuse of sources.

The For Faculty pages provide suggestions on how to use this site, strategies for designing courses and assignments to prevent plagiarism and for dealing with suspected academic integrity issues, and links to scholarly resources that inform this site’s approach to source use.